Thursday, May 04, 2006

Not So Electric Dream

I had a strange dream last night, I was outside Home Club, they were having a party or sort, like some sort of anniversary party. Vijay Singh and George Chua were there, but Vijay had a super geeky side parting hair style like Clark Kent, while George had a long beard. I didn't know most of the people there, there were a lot of new faces, those just turned 18 types.

Then, Don Kinemat came from a spiral staircase right above the club, and from his bag, he threw a few packs of contraband ciggies. Vijay told me not to take them, it was 3 a.m and the sun was rising.

I decided to go to the toilet, and I saw a bunch of young Malay boys about 10-13 years old, they were carrying musical instruments, similar to a Cuban music ensemble or something. They started to rehearse, and they sounded like a fusion of Gamelan and Cuban Jazz, and it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard. I could not describe it, I took some photos, no one in the club was interested.

super strange


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