Sunday, October 09, 2005

Wake up and breathe

Rizmonica Qinky has developed a certain kind of macabre interest amongst the net community, so from now onwards I will reveal a character each month for our viewing pleasure.

In life, things are not permanent, everything is temporary, that is how it works. And no matter what, we have to constantly accept changes and not cling on to the past. We are humans and we have feelings, but I have learnt not to get drown in my emotions because not only it will eat my inside, but it makes my well-being seems jagged and out of shape.

At the end of the day, we find solace in the company of friends, families, cats, music, books or anything that we could ever grab on. Positivity keeps us going, living and progressing, once a while, yes, definitely there will be 'cock-ups' here and there. But we still pursue in the name of living, devastation only last for a while if you have learnt not to get drown.

The chunk of words above are not meant to make me feel better, but I think I am in my healing mode. Life is not cruel, things happened for a reason, that's all. Accept it or face the doom of self-mutilation.

Let's all face tomorrow like the last day you will ever live...wake up, breathe and walk on...


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