Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Idiot and the Mofo

Let's have some education, why don't people question the Singapore Idols, for example, every week they did renditions of music by famous artistes, why don't people question them? Is it because they are 'glossy' enough to be on TV? Is it because they are on TV and they can get away with it? Could that be a form of Parody?

Let's be sympathetic towards Sammy the Eminem Fan, as she is a big fan of Eminem, she waited throughout Sontol's set thinking that it was a real Hip Hop act, but no, she waited till the end by summarising everything to," He's Sucked!" Then, all eyes were on her, basically her argument was thin, partly because her lack of knowledge in the scope of performance. (can't blame a 17-year-old for that)

The performance was based on the idea of a poseur Hip Hop star, it was a burlesque act, a bad parody, an intentional devise or scheme to make the audience understand the notion of self in regards to fame and idolatry. From the beginning of the performance, one could actually register by seeing the appearence of the performer, with a wig and a winter jacket as he tried to execute a human beatbox. The performance grew into somewhat an act of destruction, meaning the performer was attempting to execute a rap performance or such, from his action, one will know firstly, he is not a rapper and secondly, it was not a rap performance.

For a comment such as," He's Sucked!", is something you can find in online forums or such where the audience can actually submit comment behind a mask with nicknames Eg, Cutieputtie. Nymphowhore. For that, they can get away with it, but for Sammy, she failed to defend her statement. For this, the public eye was disgruntled by the reaction of the performer who was first defending his work, second trying to understand Sammy's statement and thirdly, he was tired from his performance plus he could have chosen not to do the performance.

You can never make people understand when they are not willing to understand. DIg it Mofo!

parody |ˈparədē| noun ( pl. -dies) an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect : the movie is a parody of the horror genre | his provocative use of parody.

See note at caricature .
• an imitation or a version of something that falls far short of the real thing; a travesty : he seems like a parody of an educated Englishman.

verb ( -dies, -died) [ trans. ] produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or genre) : his specialty was parodying schoolgirl fiction.

• mimic humorously : he parodied his friend's voice. DERIVATIVES parodic |pəˈrädik| adjective parodist |-dist| noun ORIGIN late 16th cent.: via late Latin from Greek parōidia ‘burlesque poem,’ from para- ‘beside’ (expressing alteration) + ōidē ‘ode.’


Blogger TIRAMISU said...

Yeah, I think the girl is an undercover cop ... her job is to promote Eminem and Hip Hop. Dang! I should have known!

2:46 PM  

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