Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Swimming in Dark Waters while Waiting for The Boat

A lovely day nevertheless, spent the day at Studio 19, myself and Mr Luzart, exploring new ways in creating music with the voice, sampler bits and sound. I have been wanting to explore the voice as the main component in creating a widescope of possibilities in music. Now will be the chance, the working title will be 'Swimming in Dark Waters while waiting for the boat'. Don't ask me why, it just happend to be the title, just like the Bridge over Troubled Waters.

I am in a very creative mood, but I am so happy that there is NTUC in the neighbourhood, because things are cheaper there than in cold storage.

What if we treat every single day like its our last day on earth? Talking to people like its the last conversation you are going to have? Will it be fantastic? Or Pathetic?


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