Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rant the Bun

We have reached Day 4 of my residency at 72-13, we are almost done with the set now and we are moving into the second phase. I just realised I have been working non-stop since January, and my body is taking its toll. I have not been to gigs, though there are a couple of shows that I have peeked here and there, and I have not been updating myself with many things happening around. It is not because that I am an anti-social, maybe I am just too caught up with work. Nevertheless, I am enjoying myself working in projects after projects. However, something is missing amidst all the madness. I am not sure what it is. But I will search for it soon.

I love watching performances, I love being part of a performance. However, I do I have problems when it comes to compliment. I just can't seem to deal with it, it feels good when you feel that sense of appreciation, but when it comes to bad performances, I do cringe at times. I still remember there was a gig where I performed with Tiramisu, and the amps just blew as we started, we could not finish the set. I cried right after that...yes, it's pretty lame to think of it.

A foreign friend of mine asked me, how far can you go singing in a band? Can you survive just by singing in a band alone? I told him, well, its up to you if you want to make it. And I told him, I can't just sing in a band alone, I have to do many other things, to make it all worthwhile... experiencing various performances has helped me to widen my perspective in regards to singing in a band.

Douglas O or John Molina were never my idols, and I never wanted to spend my days singing in a Pub band, perfecting my vocals just to make them sound like Damon Albarn, Bon Jovi or even worst, Sting. No matter how hard I try, I can never be like them. But it is not right for me to make fun of them, its their bread and butter, and they are doing it because they love doing it. We can't expect Douglas O to be like Tom Wait or Lou Reed.

But what the heck, this is Singapore, where passion and fashion intermingled together to become a plastic spiritual devotion.


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