After 3 days, I decided to turn on the TV set. Late night Japanese variety programme can get really kinky.
Nice and cosy dining area at Hokousou or as mentioned by Jecko, Oshin's house.
We were given a rehearsal space in a huge sports centre, Jecko and Won in the background.
Osaka Day 3
Thursday, 15th February, 07:53 hrs.
After rehearsal, came back to the guest house to chill with Jeck and Kim Won another dancer from Korea. My laptop has turned out to be an email checking device for everyone. No doubt, it brings people together.
It was raining heavily, I decided to walk a bit, and could not resist the sinful doughnut shop around the corner called Mister Doughnut.
I can’t help but to play around with these Japanese words.
Wa Kari Masen in Malay it could be “Wak, Kari Masin.” Means in a conversational way, “ Uncle, this is a salty curry.”
Ari Gato in Malay it could be ALI GATO, which means Ali Bin Gato, or if you combine them it could be ALIGATO or Alligator in English.
Sayonara in Malay, it could be Sayur Nara, which means Nara’s Vegetable. Yes, it doesn’t make sense.
Butoh or Butoh dance, in Malay could be Kepala Butoh or dickhead. So basically Butoh dance could be Joget Kepala Tut, or Dickhead Dance.
Kabuki in Malay could be, Ke Bookie, which means someone needs to find a bookie to bet on something.
Kamikaze in Malay could be, Kami Kasih, which means literally We Love or We Care.
Karate in Malay could be, Kalah Teh, which means defeated by tea.
Bukkake in Malay could be, Buka k?, which means take it off ok.
Pachinko in Malay could be Pakcik Engkau, which means ‘Your Uncle’, if you say it fast, it will sound like Pachinko.
Sudoku in Malay could be Sodok Aku, which means Dig Me.
Well, aren’t we all related? Japanese and Javanese are long lost brothers in the past.